Meet the Friends of the CCHS Girls Soccer Board – Currently Looking for Social Media Help!
The FOCCGS is a non-profit board made up of parent volunteers. Our role is to support the CCHS Girls soccer program with fundraising and team events. Responsibilities include securing sponsors and leading our Pink Card fundraiser, organizing parent volunteers for roles like Team Representatives, Varsity Senior Night and Banquet and more.
If you’re interested in learning more about getting involved, please contact Sandy at
We are currently looking for a parent to lead our social media experience.
President: Sandy Graham (Teagan ’27)
Secretary: Carrie Delaney (Olivia ’26)
Treasurer: Peter Annunziata (Sophia ’26)
Marketing/Website: Amy Caggiano (Celia ’26)
CCYS Liaison: Laura Hutchinson-Cox (Avery ’25 & Cami ’28)
Merchandise: Lori Johnson (Kendall ’27)